Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dog Day's Of Winter

We didn't get the White Christmas I had hoped for but we did get a white,blizzard like Christmas night and woke up to about 8" of beautiful snow. I think the dogs were more excited about it than I.

This is little miss Tiger Lilly BEGGING me to take her for a walk. How could I say No to that sweet face?!
Mr. Biscuit~Seems his goal in every walk we take  is to stay ahead of us all and whiz on as many things as possible.
It amazes me that at night when we take them out to do their "business" they seem to hate the snow and don't want to walk out in it but as you can see during the day light hours they LOVE the snow.
Can you see the doggies? lol, I think they were planning on hiding from me ;)
Biscuit stopped to stike a pose for me. I had to snap fast, he had dozens more places and things to pee on. lol
They Ran....
..and they ran...
..and like the song by A Flock Of Seagulls goes..they just ran...

...they ran all night and day.

they couldn't get away ;)

I don't know how long they could have went on running but after a hour of it I decided we better head back to the house.

"where is that nut case Tiger Lilly dog?"
"Oh my gawsh,where could crazy Lucy be?"

It's hard to believe this is the same sickly dog that came to us 10 months ago.
Looks like Tiger will always be blind in her left eye but she is learning to get around really well. She still bumps into us or the wall once in awhile but you would'nt know she was blind in her eye to see her running out doors.
The walk home, slowing down just a little now to smell some things.
Lucy has that CRAZY look on her face.
Almost home.
Hoping for another snow day soon!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Swap & A Little Bitta Christmas.

 I have to say it’s been pretty hard to stay in the Christmas spirit after the tragedy in Newtown Friday. I still can not fathom what has happened. And just before that the Mall shootings in Oregon. I feel a bit guilty at times when I find myself singing along to Christmas Carols or talking about what we want for Christmas. I know these little ones were so excited about Christmas day.  My deepest condolences to all the families.
Many of you know about my group (TDIPT) swaps that we do. Christmas is always our best swap,I always love participating in them and seeing what everyone gets. This year I was the lucky girl who got one of our newest members Mona Holland of My Old Crow Primitives. I adore Monas work so when I got my package and seen my secret swap P was Mona I was just thrilled! Mona made me the most sweet handmades that I will treasure forever.
Just look at all the goodies I got!
Some yummy Starbucks hot cocoa,Yankee pumpkin hand soap,Yankee Tarts. Adorable spotted doggy bone ornie, a beautiful silver cone ornie and candy cane ornies, See’s chocolates (which we don't have around here so they were a special treat). A star feather tree pillow and her handmade Frostina snowgirl,Santa and a Santa ornie,all perfection.
Look at the sweet Moon shaped Santa ornie Mona made.
 Mona made me this awesome prim snowgirl,Frostina. I adore her!

And check out the rolly polly Belsnickle! Mona did a fantastic job on him.
 And knowing what a dog lover I am Mona sent along this great bone ornie.
 And my star pillow....LOVE IT!
Thank you again Mona, I smile everytime I look at all my goodies from you!
You can see more of Mona's work at these links.
Here is a bit of  the Christmas stuff around my place. My house is so small I try to keep it fairly simple.

My new Fa La La La La banner,made by me,sooo much fun to make.

 2 of my favorite things are these sweet sweet little Santa & Snowman that I bought from the talented Vickie of Homespun Hugs and Calico Kisses. You can find her work on her website .
This was the first year in 15 that I didnt have my old Goldie girl in the Christmas picture with me. And the first year to have Miss Tiger Lilly,the little spit fire in the Christmas photo. She & Lucy get pretty hyper together & taking a picture was beginning to feel a bit hopeless, as you can see in the "blooper" pictures. At one point I said the heck with it and got up but hubby wanted me to try again. I've always been pretty lucky to get the dogs to poise for me. It got a little harder after we got Lucy (white pit) but Tiger (brown pit,boxer mix) made it really hard. Mr. Biscuit was just going withthe flow,thank goodness he is always a good boy( well,for the most part).
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!!